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 Inglés tesauro
NL abbr.
abrev. Dutch; Net Loss; NewLine character (Vosoni); no label (required LyuFi); Number Lines (Unix); north latitude; no limit; nolead; Dutch (Netherlands); ком. net loss
abrev., agric. net loss
abrev., automóv. namely
abrev., avia. negative logic; nose left
abrev., burs. N L Industries, Inc.
abrev., canad. Newfoundland and Labrador
abrev., cienc. National Lead Company; neutral lipophilic; nonlinear
abrev., cient. Northern Lights
abrev., comp. No Level (вариант лицензирования продукции Microsoft Oleg Sollogub)
abrev., comun. Non Leading mode
abrev., construcc. naval lighter
abrev., cosm. neck line (iwona)
abrev., defens. nonlethal
abrev., dep. National League (of Professional Baseball Clubs)
abrev., educ. No Learning
abrev., electr. new line (character); native language; negative lens; neon lamp; nominal transmission loss; non-lethal; non-locking; nonmonotonic logic; nonsupervised learning; numbering line; number of lines
abrev., ensayo cl. Network Lab (MichaelBurov); Network Laboratory (MichaelBurov)
abrev., escoc. Netherlands (NATO country code)
abrev., espac. noise level
abrev., espectr. neutral loss (igisheva)
abrev., extens. Norton Desktop Icon Library
abrev., fisiol., med. Normal
abrev., intern. No Link
abrev., IT Nested Lists; Next Line; Numbered List
abrev., jur. No Lies
abrev., mat., cient. Non Linear
abrev., med. Nodular Lymphoma; National Laboratory; neutral lipids
abrev., mil. Navy lighterage
abrev., mil., avia. NATO letter
abrev., nacion., econ. North lawn extension (below ground)
abrev., negoc. noiseless
abrev., náut., cient. New License
abrev., petról. neutron log; Neutron-Lifetime Log; neutron logging; non-led gas; north line; thermal decay time log; natural levee; noise logging; non-linear; normliter; nummulitic limestone
abrev., polít. Netherlands
abrev., progr. net layer (ssn); net level (ssn); network layer (ssn); network level (ssn)
abrev., quím. Loschmidt number (constant); Loschmidt number
abrev., quím., cient. No Limit
abrev., radio noise limited (ограниченный шумами Oleg Sollogub)
abrev., sajal. nitrogen low pressure
abrev., tec. navigation light; normal lens
abrev., valor. no load
industr., abrev. nuclear logistics
meteorol., abrev. night local
mil., abrev. nearest land; not listed; not located
segur., abrev. no liability
tec. natural language
tec., abrev. neodymium laser; new line character; night letter; noise limiter; nonlinearity; notification limit
telecom., abrev. Number of unallocated channels on link
TV noise reduction
.NL. abbr.
abrev., mil. not less than
nl abbr.
abrev. nanoliter (Yakov)
abrev., med. nanolitre
IT no label
lat. non licet (not permitted Vosoni); non liquet (it is not clear Vosoni); non longe (not far Vosoni)
Nl abbr.
abrev., cienc. norm liter